Friday, July 10, 2009

Lawsuit Filed Challenging Two-Thirds Vote Requirements

A petition for writ of mandate has been filed in the California Supreme Court attacking the constitutionality of the California Constitution's two-thirds vote requirements for passing a budget and raising taxes. The petitioner's theory is that these enactments constituted revisions of the California Constitution, not amendments. The petition/memo is here and the accompanying motion for judicial notice is here. The Supreme Court docket for the case is here. The docket notes that the Court has retained the case for consideration.

ps. Here is an article by Dan Walters about the lawsuit.


Unknown said...

Does anyone have an opinion about the 2/3 vote violating the 14th amendmant equal protection clause because the minority vote carries the same weight as two majority votes?

Anonymous said...

Votes speaks a lot...

Thanks for sharing...

Entertainment at one stop